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E-Tuff® Thixo is an additive for E-Tuff® 100 base membrane for vertical applications. It provides vertical sag resistance of 100 mil (254 microns). Please use the correct product grade that complies with VOC regulations as per federal, state, statutory bodies, county and city regulations/codes at the place of installation of product.
Download Data SheetINSTA-THICK™
Insta-Thick™ is a recycled material that is treated and made waterproof before being refined and ground to an ultra- fine dry powder to be used as thickener for horizontal membranes and sealants to create a higher viscosity material. The range thickening may be field controlled to create a slope grade, roller grade, vertical grade and even overhead grade material.
Download Data SheetE-TUFF® 100 CATALYST
E-Tuff® 100 Catalyst is a single component, proprietary, organometallic, liquid catalyst which reduces the cold weather cure time of aromatic urethane-polyurea coatings. E-Tuff® 100 Catalyst is added to E-Tuff® 100. Please use the correct product grade that complies with VOC regulations as per federal, state, statutory bodies, county and city regulations/codes at the place of installation of product.
Topshield® Catalyst is a single component, proprietary, organometallic, liquid catalyst which reduces the cold weather cure time of aromatic, urethane-polyurea coatings. Topshield® Catalyst is added to Topshield® topcoats Please use the correct product grade that complies with VOC regulations as per federal, state, statutory bodies, county and city regulations/codes at the place of installation of product.
FOUNDER It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Download Data SheetCI-95™ TAPE
CI-95™ Tape is a pressure sensitive tape for covering joints in metal flashings, plywood and in other concrete surfaces. It is a 5 mil (127 microns) thick laminated, spun bonded, polyester based, substrate reinforced with hybrid polyester fibers. These fibers have been specifically created to provide high modulus of strength on initial impact.
Download Data SheetMAX FD™ TAPE
Max FD™ Tape is the newest and most innovative product on the market for completely masking expansion, contraction, cracking, control or other reflective joints and imperfections on any surfaces. Max FD™ Tape is used in PSI decking systems. Max FD™ Tape is a 2.75” (7 cm) wide, polyurethane foam, highly elastic, multi-directional, mesh tape for reinforcement of polyurethane, silicone, acrylic and cementitious coatings.
Polyester Tape/Polyurethane Foam Tape is a 3” (7.62 cm) wide, spun bonded, non-woven, polyester-web tape.
Straight-Jacket™ Tape is 20 x 20 mesh 4” (10.16 cm) wide, non-woven fiberglass tape.
Download Data SheetSUPER-SEAL™ TAPE
Super-Seal™ Tape is a 9 mil (227 microns) thick laminated, spun-bonded, polyester-base substrate reinforced with hybrid polyester fibers. These fibers have been specifically created to provide a high-modulus of strength on initial impact. The adhesive is a highly-aggressive acrylic system that delivers high-tack and high-shear strength. This product has an excellent adhesion to metal or wood. This adhesive has excellent cold temperature and condensation resistance with an extremely wide ultra-violet stabilizer system. Please use the correct product grade that complies with VOC regulations as per federal, state, statutory bodies, county and city regulations/codes at the place of installation of product.
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Color quartz granules are quality, crystalline quartz, colored with a high performance surface coating. They are designed for use in epoxy and urethane systems.
Download Data SheetFLEXI-FLASHING™
Flexi-Flashing™ is a 15 mils (381 microns) thick, self-adhesive, laminated, spun bonded, polyester-substrate reinforced with hybrid-polyester fibers. These fibers have been specifically created to provide high-modulus of strength on initial impact. The adhesive is a highly- aggressive acrylic system that delivers high-tack and high-shear strength.
Download Data SheetP-TUFF® PE (PROFILE ETCH)
P-Tuff® PE is a proprietary solution that profiles and cleans concrete surfaces but is environmentally safe and non-hazardous. It’s a great alternative to muriatic or phosphoric acids used to etch cementitious surfaces to achieve optimum bonding for stains, coatings, and sealers. P-Tuff ® PE is a non-fuming, VOC free, non-hazardous, non-corrosive, BIODEGRADABLE concentrate, concrete etch and cleaning solution. Unlike the standard acids available, P-Tuff™ PE will not burn your skin or corrode metals. Please use the correct product grade that complies with VOC regulations as per federal, state, statutory bodies, county and city regulations/codes at the place of installation of product.
Download Data SheetP-TUFF® CATALYST
P-Tuff® Catalyst is a single-component, proprietary, organometallic liquid-catalyst which reduces the cold weather cure time of aromatic urethane polyurea coatings. P-Tuff® Catalyst is added to P-Tuff® Classic. Please use the correct product grade that complies with VOC regulations as per federal, state, statutory bodies, county and city regulations/codes at the place of installation of product.
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