Sika Loadflex-524 EZ technologically advanced, two-component, quick-setting, semi-rigid, solvent-free

Sika® Loadflex®-524 EZ is a technologically advanced, two-component, quick-setting, semi-rigid, solvent-free, selflevelling control joint filler. Where to Use Sika® Loadflex®-524 EZ is recommended for use as filler for static interior, horizontal saw cuts or preformed control and construction joints. Typically installed in facilities such as warehouses and industrial plants, where...

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Sika® Loadflex®-524 EZ is a technologically advanced, two-component, quick-setting, semi-rigid, solvent-free, selflevelling control joint filler.

Where to Use

  • Sika® Loadflex®-524 EZ is recommended for use as filler for static interior, horizontal saw cuts or preformed control and construction joints.

  • Typically installed in facilities such as warehouses and industrial plants, where such joints are subject to load-bearing conditions involving wear and impact.

  • Sika® Loadflex®-524 EZ is also used for repairing interior concrete slabs that have experienced random cracking due to shrinkage.


  • 37.8 L (10 US gal.) unit
  • 600 mL (20 US fl. oz) side-by-side, coaxial cartridges, 12 per case.


  • gray



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🔸 Where to buy
Filler, For Static interior, horizontal saw cuts, For preformed control and construction joints, Quick-setting, Semi-rigid, Solvent-free, Self leveling control joint filler, Sika sealant for concrete, Sika waterproofing sealant, Sika fuel resistant sealant, Sika expansion joint filler, Sika sikadur, Construction, Automotive manufacturing, Sika corporation, Sikaflex, Concrete admixtures, Sealants, Sikasil, Poliurea, Polyurea joint filler, Industrial flooring, Skiadur anchor-fix, Polyurea, Loadflex polyurea, Sika sikacrete, High strength, Ready-to-use, Sika product list, Sika Topping, Sika Thinnest, Sika concrete products, Sika Overlay, Sika honeycomb repair, Repair of spalling and damaged concrete, Sika Concrete Fix, Sika concrete crack repair, Sika concrete repair Kit, Practical experience, Concrete Repair & Protection, SIKA Concrete, Sika repair mortar, Repair Mortars and Grouts, Sika Certified installer, Waterproofing solutions, Floor, Floor surfaces, Environmentally friendly, Heavy duty, Garage surfaces, Yard surfaces, Back yard surfaces

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